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114 products
Economy range fixed plate castor. Durable rubber/polypropylene wheel with a steel centre.
Medium-duty swivel bolt hole castor. Non-marking thermoplastic wheel with polypropylene core and plain bearing.
Medium-duty swivel castor. Thermoplastic wheel with polypropylene core.
Medium-duty swivel bolt hole castor. Non-marking polypropylene and polyurethane wheel.
Medium-duty swivel castor with total lock. Thermoplastic wheel with polypropylene core.
Medium-duty bolt hole castor with total lock. Thermoplastic wheel with polypropylene core.
Medium-duty swivel castor. Thermoplastic wheel with polypropylene core.
Ideal for profiled surfaces and detail work such as window frames, architrave, mouldings and more. Epoxy resin glue holds bristles securely. Chisel tip allows for precise cutting in. Stainless steel ferrule prevents rusting. Smooth wooden handle designed for maximum user comfort.
Medium-duty swivel bolt hole castor. Non-marking thermoplastic wheel with polypropylene core and plain bearing.
Medium-duty castor swivel bolt hole castor. Non-marking polypropylene and polyurethane wheel.
Medium-duty castor. Non-marking polypropylene and polyurethane wheel. Swivel plate castor with total lock brake system which locks the whole castor not just the wheel.
Medium-duty swivel plate castor. Non-marking polypropylene and polyurethane wheel.
Medium-duty swivel castor with total lock. Thermoplastic wheel with polypropylene core.
Economy range fixed plate castor. Durable rubber/polypropylene wheel with a steel centre.
Tube of flux-cored lead-free wire for general-purpose soldering.
Medium-duty swivel castor with total lock. Thermoplastic wheel with polypropylene core.
Ideal for profiled surfaces and detail work such as window frames, architrave, mouldings and more. Epoxy resin glue holds bristles securely. Chisel tip allows for precise cutting in. Stainless steel ferrule prevents rusting. Smooth wooden handle designed for maximum user comfort.
Tapered bristles ideal for cutting-in. Suitable for all paints. Heat treated synthetic filaments to ensure a high quality finish. Polished beech handle. Stainless steel ferrule.
Medium-duty castor. Non-marking polypropylene and polyurethane wheel. Swivel plate castor with total lock brake system which locks the whole castor not just the wheel.
Heavy-duty fixed plate castor. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Medium-duty swivel castor. Thermoplastic wheel with polypropylene core.
Medium-duty bolt hole castor. Non-marking thermoplastic wheel with polypropylene core and plain bearing.
Pure bristles with square cut ends, held by chrome ferrules. Painted composite handles.
Heavy-duty fixed plate castor. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Medium-duty castor. Non-marking polypropylene and polyurethane wheel. Swivel plate castor with total lock brake system which locks the whole castor not just the wheel.
Radiator brush with angled head for easy-access. Suitable for all paints. Heat treated synthetic filaments to ensure a high quality finish. Polished beech handle with a stainless steel ferrule.
Heavy-duty fixed plate swivel castor. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Holds high volume of paint suitable for covering large areas. Epoxy resin glue holds bristles securely. Stainless steel ferrule prevents rusting. Suitable for use with most oil and water based paints. Smooth wooden handle designed for maximum user comfort.
High purity butane gas, helps prevent blocked nozzles, which can occur when using conventional lighter gas chargers. Used for lighters, heating torches and butane soldering irons.
Heavy-duty swivel castor. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Medium-duty bolt hole castor with total lock. Thermoplastic wheel with polypropylene core.
Medium-duty swivel bolt hole castor. Non-marking polypropylene and polyurethane wheel.
Heavy-duty fixed plate castor. Non-marking polyamide wheel.
Medium-duty swivel plate castor. Non-marking polypropylene and polyurethane wheel.
Heavy-duty fixed plate castor. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Medium-duty swivel castor with total lock. Thermoplastic wheel with polypropylene core.
Economy range castor. Durable rubber/polypropylene wheel with a steel centre. Swivel plate castor with brake.
Holds high volume of paint suitable for covering large areas. Epoxy resin glue holds bristles securely. Stainless steel ferrule prevents rusting. Suitable for use with most oil and water based paints. Smooth wooden handle designed for maximum user comfort.
Assorted pack of touch-up brushes with wooden handles.
Heavy-duty swivel plate castor. Non-marking polyamide wheel.
Heavy-duty castor. Elastic rubber wheel with nylon core.
Heavy-duty swivel castor. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Heavy-duty swivel plate castor. Non-marking polyamide wheel.
Medium-duty castor. Non-marking polypropylene and polyurethane wheel. Bolt hole swivel castor with total lock brake system which locks the whole castor not just the wheel.
Heavy-duty swivel castor. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Heavy-duty swivel castor with total lock. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Heavy-duty swivel castor. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Synthetic filaments, giving a very smooth finish with all paints. Optimal paint pick-up and spread, provides excellent control.
Heavy-duty swivel castor with total lock. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Heavy-duty swivel castor. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Heavy-duty swivel castor with total lock. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Heavy-duty swivel castor with total lock. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Heavy-duty swivel castor. Elastic rubber wheel with nylon core.
Pack of ten pure bristle 12mm paint brushes with square cut ends, held by chrome ferrules. Painted composite handles.
Heavy-duty swivel plate castor. Non-marking polyamide wheel.
Heavy-duty swivel castor with total lock. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Pure bristles with square cut ends, held by chrome ferrules. Painted composite handles.
Heavy-duty swivel castor with total lock. Nylon wheel with cast aluminium core.
Heavy-duty swivel castor with total lock. Elastic rubber wheel with nylon core.
Extra-heavy-duty fixed plate castor. Non-marking polyamide/elastic wheel.
Heavy-duty bolt hole swivel castor. Non-marking polyamide wheel.
Pack of ten pure bristle 25mm paint brushes with square cut ends, held by chrome ferrules. Painted composite handles.
Heavy-duty castor. Non-marking polyamide wheel. Bolt hole swivel castor with total lock brake system which locks the whole castor not just the wheel.
Heavy-duty castor. Non-marking polyamide wheel. Swivel plate castor with total lock brake system which locks the whole castor not just the wheel.
Extra-heavy-duty swivel plate castor. Non-marking polyamide/elastic wheel.
Heavy-duty castor. Non-marking polyamide wheel. Bolt hole swivel castor with total lock brake system which locks the whole castor not just the wheel.
Heavy-duty castor. Elastic rubber wheel with nylon core.
Heavy-duty castor. Non-marking polyamide wheel. Bolt hole swivel castor with total lock brake system which locks the whole castor not just the wheel.
Heavy-duty bolt hole swivel castor. Non-marking polyamide wheel.
Synthetic filaments, giving a very smooth finish with all paints. Optimal paint pick-up and spread provides excellent control.
Heavy-duty castor. Non-marking polyamide wheel. Swivel plate castor with total lock brake system which locks the whole castor not just the wheel.
Heavy-duty swivel castor. Elastic rubber wheel with nylon core.
Extra-heavy-duty castor. Non-marking polyamide/elastic wheel. Swivel plate castor with total lock brake system which locks the whole castor not just the wheel.
Extra-heavy-duty fixed plate castor. Non-marking polyamide/elastic wheel.
Pack of ten pure bristle 38mm paint brushes with square cut ends, held by chrome ferrules. Painted composite handles.
Extra-heavy-duty swivel plate castor. Non-marking polyamide/elastic wheel.
Heavy-duty swivel castor with total lock. Elastic rubber wheel with nylon core.
Heavy-duty castor. Elastic rubber wheel with nylon core.
Pack of ten pure bristle 50mm paint brushes with square cut ends, held by chrome ferrules. Painted composite handles.
Extra-heavy-duty castor. Non-marking polyamide/elastic wheel. Swivel plate castor with total lock brake system which locks the whole castor not just the wheel.
Heavy-duty swivel castor. Elastic rubber wheel with nylon core.
Extra-heavy-duty fixed plate castor. Non-marking polyamide/elastic wheel.
Heavy-duty castor. Elastic rubber wheel with nylon core.
Extra-heavy-duty fixed plate castor. Non-marking polyamide/elastic wheel.
Heavy-duty swivel castor. Elastic rubber wheel with nylon core.
Flux paste initially adheres components in place, it is then heated, melting the paste and forming a mechanical, as well as an electrical, connection.
Heavy-duty swivel castor with total lock. Elastic rubber wheel with nylon core.
Heavy-duty swivel castor with total lock. Elastic rubber wheel with nylon core.
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